Saint me, I only wish I had better ideas. I know a lot of people get into the genre because of the variety and style of clothes that comes along with it- mad scientists in cloaks, foppish waistcoats with atomic wristwatches, and a dapper chapeau to complement your brass aviator goggles. For many, writing and listening to steampunk themes isn't the best way to experience it- this is a stylistic type of genre, thank you, and pass the brass polish.
If you also lack funds, a lot can be acheived with some leather castoffs, a couple of old vests, and some brocade curtains. Having a friend in theater definitely helps. And recently I came across Rivka's Mom. I recommend as a place to get ideas if you're that strapped or you fear that your interest in steampunk costumes may be a Passing Thing.
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